With the popularity of 4G networks, the rise of 5G networks and the development of the consumer electronics industry, the demand for network products in the communications field has promoted the development and production of connector products. As an indispensable electronic component in electronic equipment, the connector is mainly used to bridge the connection in the circuit or encourage communication between different circuits. It is widely used in consumer electronics, automotive, data communication, industry, Medical, aerospace and military fields.
The connector industry continues to grow, the global connector production focus continues to shift to mainland China, the overall level of connector manufacturing in China has been rapidly improved, and the connector market has expanded year by year, making it the world's largest connector consumer. Data show that in 2010-2017, China's connector industry sales revenue increased year by year. In 2017, the connector industry sales revenue reached 248.391 billion yuan, an increase of 8.32%; according to the forward-looking industrial research institute, the connector industry sales revenue in 2018 is about 260.29 billion yuan.
图1 2010-2018年中国连接器制造行业销售收入及增长(单位:亿元,%)
At present, connectors are mainly used in the fields of automobiles, communications, aerospace, military equipment, computers, industry, household appliances and the like. Among them, automotive connectors accounted for the largest proportion, accounting for 23% of the global connector market; communications followed closely, accounting for 21%; consumer electronics, industrial sector accounted for more than 10%.
图2 全球连接器应用领域分布
The downstream market for connector manufacturing is vast. With the continuous development of connector applications in the automotive industry, computer communications industry, and consumer electronics industry, the market capacity of the connector industry will continue to expand. For example, electronic signal transmission adapters are widely used in smart mobile communications, audio-visual equipment, PCs, smart wearable devices and various types of electronic terminal products. The connector industry has been able to maintain rapid development under the strong demand of the terminal consumer market. In particular, the emergence of mobile intelligent terminals has changed the way people live and play, and has also promoted the improvement of electronic signal transmission adapter products in technology and market, and promoted the rapid development of the connector industry.